Mission and VISION

Mission: Provide quality health professionals using qualified competent tutors working in harmony in Christ.
Vission:To become among the leading health institutes in the country in providing competent health professionals who are well committed to spiritual and ethical values that meet customer’s expectations.

Values of the MIHS
- 1. Provide conditions to exercise the freedom of scientific, cultural, artistic and technological creation.
- 2. Ensure plurality and free expression of orientations and opinions and promote the participation of all university entities in shared academic life.
- 3. High ethical standards must guide the actions of the Institue and its community.
- 4. Cultivate rigour, transparency and quality, with particular emphasis on recognizing merit.
- 5. Ensure equal access and treatment, irrespective of gender and social, political, ethnic or religious differences.
- 6. Eliminate all internal factors that may present disadvantages to citizens with a disability.
- 7. Care about the personal fulfillment of everyone who belongs to the Institute.
- 8. Promote innovation while fostering an environment that stimulates creativity and an entrepreneurial mindset.
- 9. Fight for sustainable environmental, economic and social development.